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yGuard configuration for public library (JAR) in gradle kotlin-script

I am building a library (JAR) in kotlin, which should be obfuscated. There is (for the moment) one class and one method which should be able to be called from outside. To obfuscate i would like to use ...
Alex1024's user avatar
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Error when running Spring Boot app with embedded Tomcat

I have the following configuration for a Springboot application: DemoApplication.kt package com.planes.planesserver import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication import org....
Cristi's user avatar
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grpc connection not working from jar file, DomainSocketAddress cannot be cast to class

I'm trying to make a grpc server and client, using the example from the github repo. It works fine when I run the Main.kt from IntelliJ, however when I build the jar file and run that, it throws upon ...
Patrick Visi's user avatar
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Can't link external config file to FatJar in Ktor

I generated a FatJar using the ./gradlew buildFatJar command. However when I'm trying to run the .jar file under the "build/libs/" folder I get the following error: Exception in thread "...
Patrik Csikós's user avatar
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Can't build .jar file with firebase-admin-java

This bug prevents to use firebase-admin in pure Java/Kotlin projects. Is there a known fix/ad-hoc? The error happens after running the .jar: Error: Could not find or load main class MainKt It looks ...
Psijic's user avatar
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Execute Jar file with arguments using Gradle task in Kotlin DSL

I want to run an external Jar file with arguments that I have saved in my project. The function doesn't seem to work. I am not sure if the syntax is correct. tasks.register("myGradleTask", ...
Sudhir Singh Khanger's user avatar
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Gradle group clean build as one task does not work

I am working on a multi-module project using gradle composite build I have something like this Project A is a lib jar Project B is another lib jar but uses project A Project C is the service app using ...
Tech Noob's user avatar
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no main manifest attribute error in multimodule app with gradle

I have multimodule java/kotlin app with Gradle. I wanna make .jar to launch my app in a terminal: like java -jar mayApp.jar How correct build .jar in multimodule app? My .jar generated by IDEA is not ...
Roman Aymaletdinov's user avatar
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Creating a sources jar that also include the source code of project dependencies

I have a multi-project gradle build, using kotlin as build script language. I can build a "fat" jar containing all project dependencies (.class files) I am not sure how it works. But it goes ...
Dahl's user avatar
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Create jar from desktop jetpack compose project

Can't create Jar file for Kotlin desktop project using Jetpack Compose. I have 2 launchers: one with JavaFx and socond with Compose. The one with JavaFx is working fine. But When I try to execute ...
Aleksey Parokq's user avatar
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How can I find the main class of my app when selecting it to create a JAR ? Kotlin

I want to make a JAR to test and deploy my app but it doesn't work, locally it can't find the main attribute in the manifest file, and in the deployement it starts but i have this error : java.lang....
Poui's user avatar
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Vaadin 23 issue with production mode using spring boot with gradle task bootJar

I'm trying to create an executable jar file. For this project I am using gradle. I am building executable jar file using gradle task "bootJar". Unfortunately after starting my jar file like ...
Jason The Dynamite's user avatar
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Kotlin Ktor Exception in thread "main" NoClassDefFoundError

I'm new to ktor. I developed simple app and I want to run it here is my main function fun main() { embeddedServer( factory = CIO, port = 8080, host = "", module = { ...
MohammadBaqer's user avatar
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Do I have to build fat jar for my library?

Currently, I am making a library and try to import it to our project. The library contains libraries such as Exposed. The code below is the build.gradle.kts of the library. plugins { kotlin("...
GoodGoodMan's user avatar
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Exclude class from jar with gradle

I've seen these: Gradle - Exclude file from being packaged with jar Exclude one class file in gradle Android Studio and am wondering what path or name I should use with exclude. This is in a gradle....
wholerabbit's user avatar
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