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Android Compose - how to match the height of composables side-by-side centered in a Box

I have 2 composables centered vertically in a Row, centered in a Box. The left side of the box is generated, an can be any height. The problem is that the right side height is never stretched to the ...
LGstudio's user avatar
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EditTexts are populated with same data after rotation

I have a layout with some EditText, like name, surname, city... I include this layout in another layout a couple of times, so there is two EditText for the name, surname, etc. The problem I face is if ...
xerez's user avatar
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Custom ViewGroup extending ConstraintLayout doesn't show views when the view isn't constraint to 4 sides

I've created a custom ViewGroup that extends ConstraintLayout and dynamically adds itself as a view. Inside this ViewGroup, I’m adding EditText and TextView elements. My goal is for the first EditText ...
shahriar's user avatar
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Android <include> constraints are not working anymore

I've always worked with reusable layouts with no problem using viewbinding + dataBinding in Android development. Recently, the <include> tags have had this issue: When added to a layout, the ...
Erick Cabral's user avatar
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How to ensure pixel perfect layout in Flutter

We are developing a flutter app which supports multiple languages. The client wants the app to look exactly the same on all phones like the Figma design given to us. They have sent us screenshots of ...
Vinayak's user avatar
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how to create android layout like image?

android layout I am new in Android. I am doing android application. I have tried many options. but layout didn't match like this. I am trying so much but not get exactly solution. <androidx....
user3315464's user avatar
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Detecting if Android foldable device is open and flat or closed is not working always

I tried detecting when foldable device is opened (FLAT) and update ui, this is the code, but the problem is sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, I mean sometime I open the device, callbak is ...
AVEbrahimi's user avatar
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Selecting multiple textviews with only one longclick

I am creating textviews on top of a imageview . I am detecting the text on the image and creating textviews with same position and sizes it works well but there is a problem ı can only select the text ...
Tndstn's user avatar
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Connect two LazyGrid layouts

I have an app that shows a list of projects and filters for them. The filters are above the projects and can be hidden. The problem is that it is not clear how to use LazyGrid to hide these filters ...
AdisAlagic's user avatar
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Pixel tablet in AS emulator is not loading the correct layout version

My app has different layout versions for 'port', 'land', 'SW600dp' etc., which load correctly into the emulator for other devices such as Pixel 7a and Pixel C, but the emulator for the Pixel Tablet ...
BillC's user avatar
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Hello How to Force expo app to be just RTL?

I have an app is written in expo and all things in the app use "Arabic Language" So I want to force the app to be RTL, so I use supportsRTL and forcesRTL to do it and it's work fine in ...
Ahmed Fahmy's user avatar
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How do you define a landscape layout for the PreferenceScreen?

The Android PreferenceScreen layout is defined in the res/xml folder as root_preferences.xml. How can I define a landscape version of this? Normally, from my understanding, is that you would create ...
slowcoder's user avatar
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GridLayout CardView goes out of screen on my phone only

Im trying to make a list of products using GridLayout + CardView, it went well on the studio when i was designing Expected Results But when i went ahead and opened the app on my phone i get this ...
Adlan Al-Ghifari's user avatar
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How to change the order or RecyclerView items in GridLayoutManager?

I have written my own implementation of GridLayoutManager to display specific given number of rows and columns of RecyclerView. The problem is, that the items are being rendered in a top-to-bottom ...
jasiu's user avatar
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How to change the order of displayed items in horizontal RecyclerView using GridLayoutManager with constructor?

I want to create a horizontal RecyclerView that displays the items in such form: Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 | Item11 Item12 Item13 Item14 Item15 Item6 Item7 Item8 Item9 Item10 | Item16 Item17 ... ...
jasiu's user avatar
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