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Creating a dynamic range in excel using a variable starting cell

I am trying to create dynamic ranges to be used for excel charts. I have the following range: =OFFSET(O7,0,0,1,COUNTA($O$5:$X$5)) cell o7 is expected to change. I have created the following formula to ...
fedone's user avatar
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How do I use offset within a forEach loop in google apps script

I have a range consisting of a variable number of rows and 4 columns (A,B,C,D). I need to loop through each of the rows and add the number in column D to the number in column C and then clear the ...
Ezra Martin's user avatar
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How to get offset in Assembly (Intel 8086)? [duplicate]

I have a problem with Assembly code. I need to put the offset variable wordl1p into the BX register and copy the contents of the second byte (the high-order byte) of the wordl1p variable into the ...
Jack Skyblue's user avatar
-1 votes
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TextView offset when click Spannable

After 30ms I offset textview (in horizontalscrollview) to the left(like marquee) and I set clickable text in textview. But when I click the spannable text, textview auto offset again I have no idea to ...
longvnd's user avatar
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I try to model my mod file I get an error n:cs is undefined context: x[s, b, t] <= demand[s, >>> cs] <<< * z[s, b, t];

# SETS set B; # Candidate central kitchens set S; # Schools set CS; # Category School set T; # Time periods set K; ...
nisanur azizah's user avatar
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ADF pagination with offset

I have an activity copy in azure data factory to get data from a REST API, so the response content has an offset that I have to get to extract the seconde page and so on until the end This an example ...
Mustapha's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

AHKv2 Unable to offset excel value with ComObjGet - 'Error: This value of type "String" has no method named "Offset".'

AUTOHOTKEY v2.0.18 I have 2 codes. One works flawlessly and the other, which is almost exactly the same, does not. Can you identify where I'm going wrong here please? WORKING - TEST CODE TO GET IT TO ...
itz_reecey's user avatar
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How can I set an OFFSET = 100 in nls (Nonlinear Least Squares) coupled with the SSbiexp or SSasympOFF (self-starting) functions in R?

I am using self-starting functions to estimate the best constants for my models in R software. But it does not allow me to constrain my offset (y=100, x=0) to be 100. The two component exponential ...
Ka Am's user avatar
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Determine intersection point between orthogonal line and two vectors

I'm having the following situation in my ThreeJS app: I have one observation point P and one line L. Now I want to project perform a projection from P on the vector V which represents the line L. I ...
IlikedCPlusPlus's user avatar
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Excel Offset (sample every nth row with specific values)

I'm deeply confused about using OFFSET with ROW to grab every nth row of a sheet I have a marking sheet that looks like this: And am trying to transfer those grades into a summary sheet where each ...
Alan Nielsen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I batch Snowflake json output into separate rows based on LIMIT/OFFSET

I have a query in Snowflake that produces json output in rows. 29,000+ rows. I am using this query to create records in an MDM system. However, this ingestion process is a bit inefficient and costly. ...
Scott J's user avatar
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wiremock in java offset 1 hour [closed]

help please. trying using in wiremock dynamic data Wiremock editing in intellij idea "expiresAt": "{{now offset='1 hour' timezone='Australia/Sydney' format='unix'}}", but got error ...
yndingo's user avatar
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Is there another way to search for empty cell and offset when only one row of data exist?

Sub Archive() ' This archives the data to master list. Range("A2").Copy Range("M1").Select If Range("M1") = "" Then ...
Skye Olsavsky's user avatar
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I'm experiencing performance issues when using OFFSET in my SQL queries [duplicate]

For instance, consider the following two queries: SELECT id, CHARACTER_LENGTH(polygon_data) FROM polygon_data LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1; SELECT id, CHARACTER_LENGTH(polygon_data) FROM polygon_data WHERE id = ...
random guy's user avatar
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Offsets in predict.glm(), given that the fitted poisson model already considered offsets - R

I want to predict a fitted poisson glm on newdata, given that it was fitted using offset=log(Exposure), but I get confused with the inclusion of the term "offset" inside of predict.glm(). I ...
Ricardo Martins's user avatar

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