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How to save the .pkpass file in a server directory using php

I am using the php .pkpass library, the file is generated correctly, but it is downloaded directly in Windows Downloads, I would like it to be saved in a folder of my application for example /upload/ ...
Luis Fernando's user avatar
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How to read content of pass.pkpass file and send in text/xml restfull webservice response

I impleted to generate pkpass. I integrated in backed restfull api which send response in text/xml content type. I am trying to read .pkpass file in backed ...
Praveen D's user avatar
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how to get value of url in laravel

I have this route: Route::post('/apns/v1/devices/{device_token}/registrations/{pass_identifier}/{pass_serial}', 'ApiController@registrations'); How do i get the values of device_token, pass_identifier ...
naz's user avatar
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Argh! Passbook - tables are not updating

Apple pass for passbook : I have implemented the pass itself, and want to communicate for updates etc. For server side (webserviceUrl) I am using the code below that I have adjusted. I am not very ...
Michael's user avatar
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Wallet Pass Update - The pass cannot be read because it isn’t valid

I have implemented passbooks and updating. I'm using the eo/passbook-bundle and have created below JSON when packaging the passbook without errors, but when, in the update process, the server calls ...
Rein Baarsma's user avatar
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Received invalid pass data while updating Apple Wallet Pass

I have implemented all 5 endpoints in PHP and all seems working fine. But when I provide updated pass in response to web service Getting the Latest Version of a Pass(GET request to webServiceURL/...
zohaan malinga's user avatar
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issue in Apple Passwallete integration with php

I have generated PASS with my code and also get device id, pushtoken in response from device. here is code by which I am store all device and Pass information in database. $params = array( ...
Kruti Aparnathi's user avatar
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APNS server responds with status 8-invalid-token, but devices are being registered properly

I am implementing passbook funcationality for my iOS app. I am using php as server side language to generate pass and distribute to devices. Passes are being successfully installed on the device and I ...
tmw's user avatar
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Update Passbook Error - The pass cannot be read because it isn't valid

I'm trying to send a new pass json data to my device to update my pass in Apple Wallet following the part "Getting the Latest Version of a Pass" in this document. The new json data is exactly the ...
Hoang Trung's user avatar
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Can't push notification to APNS to update my pass in Apple Wallet

I'm trying to push notification to APNS to update my pass in Apple Wallet app. According to this document, we only need to send the pass type identifier and the push token to APNs. Then they will take ...
Hoang Trung's user avatar
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Push notification is not being recieved on iphone. It is delivered from server aparently. It may be implementation error

I am trying to send push notification to apple's Passbook application on updation of a coupon, in order to update it in PassBook application on device. According to apple's passbook documentation I ...
tmw's user avatar
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PHP generated pass is not being installed in wallet on an iPhone

I am using this passgenerator library to generate a .pkpass which is supposed to be installed on an apple wallet on iPhone. The .pkpass file is generated successfully but it could not be added to "...
tmw's user avatar
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iOS - Passbook Registration Url For Automatic Updates

I am having quiet a few problems implementing the automatic update functionality on a pass of passbook. But my current question is (It is not a very good one, I dont have alot of knowledge about web ...
Abdul91's user avatar
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Passbook using passkit - pass no longer valid

I have a php project that creates passbook files using passkit. It was working fine since last spring but today we noticed that when you open the passbook on mac it says "this pass is no longer valid" ...
Panos's user avatar
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Update Passbook wallet failed to connect

i'm struck with update wallet push notiifcation,i used bellow code,server not connected error. I missed any credentials.please help to me ,fix this issue. I registered my passbook and get back ...
srivathi's user avatar
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