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Kotlin: Obfuscated Callable Expects 2 Arguments but 1 Provided (DefaultConstructorMarker Issue)

I’m encountering an issue in Kotlin when obfuscation is enabled, specifically when calling a function dynamically using KFunction.callBy. The code works fine in a non-obfuscated environment but fails ...
NonceWizard's user avatar
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ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs when class constructor has Class ...$class declaration

I'm trying to invoke public ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs(array $args = []): ?object method on class which has the following constructor: public function __construct(Option ...$options) { ...
Viacheslav Ravdin's user avatar
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Reflections: `reflections.get(SubTypes.of(...).asClass())` does not work when resources are from an external jar

I'm currently running Spring Boot 3.2.1 with Java 17, with Gradle 8.4 as a build tool and using Reflections 0.10.2 (latest version as of writing). Our project is a multi-module project, but for ...
Calvin S.'s user avatar
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Apache POI: get zoom level by using reflection

I want to get the current zoom level of the target sheet. By checking the docs of Apache POI, there's no getter method for the zoom level. I thought of invoking the similar methods of setting the zoom ...
Flash's user avatar
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Get type of a generic parameter in SpringBoot with reflection

I have a spring project with several classes "IceCream", "Chocolate" that implements an interface "FoodInterface". FoodInterface: public interface FoodInterface{ ...
itsfoobar's user avatar
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How to check if a class is capable of implementing an interface at runtime in Java (JDK 17)

I need to determine whether a class is capable of implementing an interface when it does not explicitly implement that interface. I would like to determine this at runtime, I am using reflections to ...
Oliver Wheatley's user avatar
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Alternative supporting jakarta to `org.reflections:reflections` for finding annotated Methods

I am currently migrating to spring-boot 3. We use "org.reflections:reflections:0.10.2" in order to get all the classes in a package that contain a specific annotation (eg. RequestMapping. ...
Ruth's user avatar
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Use reflection to set the return type of a private method

I've been tasked with writing unit tests for poorly authored legacy code. The code that I should write tests for can't get changed in any way whatsoever. It's READ-ONLY.(Company policy, don't touch ...
Khosro Jadidi's user avatar
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do a mock on Mocked object in Junit5

I am trying to write a test case in JUNIT5. I want to do unit test on the below class Class Service{ @Autowired ObjectHolder objectHolder; UtilityServiceDTOMapper<T> serviceDTOMapper = ...
F0cus's user avatar
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getSubTypesOf returning anonymous types defined in tests

The problem I am facing is the same as described in this github issue: getSubTypesOf returning anonymous types defined in tests The thread seems to have ended with only a couple of responses and ...
bigbang's user avatar
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In Java: How do I retrieve filenames of specific resources at runtime from within jar?

This is what my project structure looks like: structure I need to search through a specific subdirectory of the resource's folder for a file that starts with the substring orientation. If I have the ...
Tzatzikiiii's user avatar
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Deprecated Reflection constructor

I am running sonar cloud through my Java code and it has some deprecated constructors. I managed to update most of them, but not this one: import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper; private static ...
gmn_1450's user avatar
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Reflections could not get type for name from any class loader

We are getting this exception in the logs related to Reflections where a file is not available on the classpath. We are not able to find the appropriate maven depdendency to be added for this class to ...
sahil gupta's user avatar
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Unit test that all invocations of a method pass a serializable argument

I use the Hazelcast library in my project. It's executor service has this method: void executeOnAllMembers(@Nonnull Runnable command); This can fail at runtime if it is passed a command that does not ...
whistling_marmot's user avatar
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Java take Object array of dynamic size and convert it to individual parameters

I'm over-engineering a photo project right now and trying to make it really easy to add more images with filters to a collage of images. I have a 2D array of all the pictures, a 2D array of all the ...
Creepabob's user avatar

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