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Amadeus Fare_MastepricerTravelBoardSearch API flights and price connection [closed]

After fetching Fare_MastepricerTravelBoardSearch function I got few arrays. With price details array I got the flight details and with recommendation array, I got price array. But I cant connect ...
Kashif Hussain's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can users be redirected to airlines for payment using the Amadeus Flights API?

I’m creating an Mobile App with ReactNative + Rails, using the Amadeus Flights API. My goal is to search for flights, retrieve prices, and book flights. This part is well-documented and already ...
dfop02's user avatar
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Amadeus "On-Demand Flight Status" API issue when there are two flights (legs)

I experience some problems when trying to receive status of the flight with several "legs" (several flights per day with the same flight number). Example: carrierCode=DL, flightNumber=2694, ...
Murlakatam's user avatar
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Amadeus "On-Demand Flight Status" API issue in negative time zone

I experience some problems when trying to receive flight status for flights in negative time zones. For example here is a flight: carrierCode=OS, flightNumber=7910, scheduledDepartureDate=2024-08-28 (...
Murlakatam's user avatar
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Amadeus Hotel Search using Enterprise Soap API return 17|Session|No agreement on destination

I'm trying to connect to Amadeus Enterprise Api Via Soap in ASP.NET Core but getting an error: 17|Session|No agreement on destination. Below is the codebase I'm using. I have review the documentation ...
Esanju Babatunde's user avatar
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Amadeus pricing API do not return included.bags

I am using self services API to search a flight and confirm the price and the bags Here is my search body for flight offer { "currencyCode": "EUR", "originDestinations&...
user1310305's user avatar
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AMADEUS API token request error Invalid parameters

I am working on this flight tracker project and I am using Amadeus API to get the data, I have registered and got my key but it seems I am having issues to get the authorization token. Could someone ...
Shadow Sound's user avatar
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Amadeus hotel-search endpoint returning "INVALID PROPERTY CODE" for existing properties

I'm having an issue with the hotel-search endpoint. I get 'invalid property code' for almost all requests. I double checked the hotelId I send out, and it even works fine if I look for the hotel by ID,...
gianpi's user avatar
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Amadeus Enterprice API - MasterPricer Elapsed Flying Time at segment level in response, I cant find the EFT in response

In Amadeus enterprice API, Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoard API, I didnt get the following in response. <attributeDetails> <attributeType>EFT</attributeType> <...
Saravanan's user avatar
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Amadeus Python SDK discrepancies in airport suggestions

I have been trying to get airport IATA/recommendations/search using the Amadeus Airports search endpoint with lat, long codes as follows, but when I search for Prague it returns airports from Munich ...
Akella Niranjan's user avatar
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Passenger type Infant with HN status

I'm trying to book a flight in Amadeus with 2 adults, 1 child and 1 infant. The infant is associated with the first adult. The reservation process is OK (Air_SellFromRecommendation -> ...
Kingxlayer's user avatar
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The top XML element 'ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI' from namespace '' references distinct types

I used svcutil to generate proxy class. I used this proxy class to communicate with Amadeus web services, But when compiling the web service, the error is generated and it is given below. The top XML ...
wiki's user avatar
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Cannot Include a Date Range for my Amadeus API Requests for Flight Offers

I am using Python and I am reading the documentation and using the Get request to search for Flights under a certain price for a project in my online course. I am able to get my requests to go ...
Taylor Python's user avatar
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Missing hotel data in some request

I was trying the API and using the production keys to have full access to the data and if I try with both options of Hotel List (by city or by geocode) I get the same results which doesn't include all ...
Francisco Gregorio's user avatar
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Amadeus soap request keeps giving me error about wrong headers

I am creating a Fare_TravelBoardSearch request for amadeus enterprise flight api. I have created a reqeuest in c# using amadeus's wsdl and when that didn't work i took the simpler option of creating ...
NachoCheez's user avatar

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