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Adding ExoPlayer video to Recycler View's 0th position gives flickering

I am adding a video to 0th(or previous) position, when a current video started to play but when the item is added to 0th position its giving me flickering. Issue video screen grab Below is the code I ...
Rakshit Nawani's user avatar
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Media3 MediaSessionService in recyclerView

help me figure out how to properly implement the playback function using the media3 ExoPlayer library in RecyclerView. Multiple audio recordings may be displayed on the screen. My current ...
Анастасия's user avatar
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ExoPlayer in RecyclerView plays video on scroll down but shows empty when scrolling back up

I've set up a RecyclerView for posts on my home fragment. It handles images using a ViewPager and videos with ExoPlayer. I've set a common ExoPlayer class managing the video playback by passing the ...
Madhuri Developer's user avatar
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How to Use ExoPlayer Media3 for Video Caching in a RecyclerView

I am working on an Android project where I want to display videos in a RecyclerView using ExoPlayer Media3. To achieve video caching and smooth playback, I've implemented a CacheManager class, an ...
Walid Ahmed's user avatar
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How to show ExoPlayer in RecyclerView

In my application I want show ExoPlayer in RecyclerView and for this I write below codes. I want show video thumbnail on video and write below codes in XML: My recyclerview items layout: ...
KadKos's user avatar
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How to manage exoplayer with java in android studio?

I am searching Exoplayer using with ViewPager in java but can not find the full tutorial. I have issue for stopping and pausing exoplayer while swiping another video. Is there any tutorial please ...
Rakesh Saini's user avatar
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Dynamically resizeable video in RecyclerView

The Problem I'm making a list of videos using RecyclerView and ExoPlayer and it works as expected. However, I have some situations when I need to display videos with different aspect ratios, I need ...
Hamza Sharaf's user avatar
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How to control play/pause state of MediaBrowserServiceCompat from RecyclerView?

I have an app that uses MediaBrowserServiceCompat to play audio. I have a RecyclerView that displays a list of media items, and I want to be able to control the play and pause state of each item from ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Exoplayer for video view scroll Play and pause

I am using exoplayer in recycleview for playing video but when i scroll that view the video is not stop and play automatically. and also all video will we played if I play manually . I tried lot of to ...
baseem beg's user avatar
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How to set progress to specific position of exo_progress of ExoPlayer in RecyclerView?

I want UI Something like the attached screenshot. This all will be a list of mp3 audio, which is user has played at some point already and left in middle. I am using ExoPlayer for mp3 and ...
krupa parekh's user avatar
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How to handle exo players in recycler view?

How can we use multiple exo player in a recycler view? I saw many posts and videos like this and this but that all use a custom recycler view class. I could continue with that. But, I wanted to make a ...
Sambhav Khandelwal's user avatar
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How to send empty list in recyclerview adapter using android kotlin?

I am using recyclerview to play videos using exoplayer from the database of realtime database. When I try to come back to the previous activity by pressing back button but the video's audio continues ...
CHETAN's user avatar
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After pressing back button, exoplayer in recyclerview continues in background

My adapter code is:- class VideoAdapter( private var mContext: Context, private var mvideos: List<VID> ) : RecyclerView.Adapter<VideoAdapter.ViewHolder>() { override fun ...
CHETAN's user avatar
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Stop video when clicking on a different RecyclerView item

I have a RecyclerView, where each item plays a video. I share one instance of ExoPlayer, and only play one video on the screen at a time. When a user taps on a video's thumbnail, it opens the player ...
user1695123's user avatar
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how to play next video automatically in list exoplayer android

I am creating movie streaming app in android studio i have used recyclerview and exoplayer . everything is perfect there is one final touch which is episodes creation. i would like to add episode to ...
windowssolution's user avatar

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