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How to switch the adaptation set (trackGroup) associated with a video renderer on the fly without restarting the player

I am creating an implementation of exoplayer where I have 4 video renderers (created 3 extra). I have modified by DASH manifest in such a way that each adaption set represents a camera angle and one ...
Shri Hari's user avatar
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flutter exoplayer2 issue makes myapp doesnt work

I'm developing Android with flutter, and the video is not playing because of the OMX.Exynos.avc.dec codec issue. I didn't even expect it because I had just studied development with Flutter, and when I ...
tuliplee's user avatar
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Minor pause between loop transitions with R3 engine when used with ExoPlayer(Android)

I have integrated the Rubberband library with ExoPlayer for pitch and tempo adjustments in an Android project. When using the R2 engine, audio looping works smoothly as expected. However, when ...
shivani's user avatar
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Live Radio Chrome Casting Android

Im trying to handle sending meta data to the receiver chrome cast using this method private fun updateMetadataWithoutReloading() { if (castSession != null) { val remoteMediaClient =...
Qasem Zreaq's user avatar
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Exoplayer hangs subtitles on the last dialogue

It's been a long since I last posted. I've got a problem which I cannot solve since I upgraded from exoplayer 2.8.4 to 2.11.1. I know I have a very old version of it but upgrading to 2.18.+ is giving ...
Javier Guajardo's user avatar
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Exoplayer is using container duration for playing mp4 files from the url. How to make it read video duration

I am using androidx media3 player. I need to play back to back mp4 assets downloaded from URL. These mp4 assets have been processed through a transcoder and it seems that after processing container ...
priti verma's user avatar
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How to Test if Video is Playing in Hardware or Software Mode in ExoPlayer

I want to implement the option to choose between hardware and software decoding in ExoPlayer based on user selection. I've implemented the following code: private fun buildRenderersFactory(...
Pratik Fagadiya's user avatar
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Jetpack compose, ExoPlayer is destroyed late when changing the screen

To create a video player in Jetpack compose, I use ExoPlayer2. The problem is this - there is screen 1 on which the video player is located and screen 2. When switching from screen 1 to screen 2, the ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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How to read the current effective resolution for the Exoplayer?

I am looking into the Exoplayer and the stream with better resolution scales down when bandwidth is shrinking. Is there an interface where I can read the real resolution currently used by the ...
Ralf Wickum's user avatar
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Unable to style Cue in default SubtitleView Media3 ExoPlayer

I am trying to style captions that come into my DASH segment as .vtt files. Scouted the internet for how to do that, and found a suggestion from the ExoPlayer devs here Moving further with the ...
gtxtreme's user avatar
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Media3 (ExoPlayer) handle multile Tracks with the same name

TDLR; An Android app that plays DASH streaming video. The manifest file (.mpd) have multiple languages and some of them have multiple versions of the same language. For example: fr fr en du Here I ...
TeamlyDigital's user avatar
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Media3 exoplayer custom player view control layout pause and play buttons not working

I just migrated from exxoplayer2 to media3 and I am facing some issue with the custom player control view buttons (eco_play and exo_pause) I have a player view <androidx.media3.ui.PlayerView ...
Simran Thakkar's user avatar
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How can I get livestreams to play in an android WebView on a FireTV 4k Max

For multiple days now, I've tried to get livestreams running in a WebView on my FireTV stick. I am completely stuck and would appreciate any help I can get. The website shown works perfectly in the ...
Ark Less's user avatar
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ExoPlayer Cache.getCachedLength always returns different size with the downloaded bytes from Downloader

I want to check whether the video is already cached or not to prevent downloading multiple-times for the same video. But when I check the cached length or cached bytes, it always returns a different ...
Fikri Haikal's user avatar
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ExoPlayer stops playing after empty playlist received with HLS

I'm using ExoPlayer in my Android app to play videos using HLS. Sometimes the server returns an empty playlist during playback (only headers without tracks). This happens quite rarely and subsequent ...
BArtWell's user avatar
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