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AQI Monitor Live Map with Google Maps API JavaScript and reading JSON from Thingspeak .getJSON and Marker

I am working on a program at my job where we are teaching high school students to build air quality monitors. All of the AQ monitors will send their lat, long, AQI, and temp data to Thingspeak. I want ...
GWORV_TH's user avatar
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How to add marker in the google map using json API in flutter?

I'm trying to add marker to my map based on the json API (EventData) by using http request. When I run my code the map does not show the marker. I think I am not accessing the list correctly. I want ...
Fatima ELKADDOURI's user avatar
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How can I use my JSON data to create markers on a google maps API?

I've got a bunch of coordinates stored in a JSON object to be used as information for some google maps markers. I'm trying to set up a "click" eventListener that will use the data from the ...
user15416468's user avatar
-2 votes
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Filter Google Maps Markers based on Distance

I am looking at filtering google maps markers based on distance from the users current location. I have this set up to bring in markers from a database and display on a map, but I want to limit the ...
NickSF's user avatar
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How to add multiple clickable markers that popUp image when click in Googlemap

I added mapView with @IBOutlet and the extension of GMSMapViewDelegate{} below code able to parse the returned json result. The code will get the image url and Latlon. Problems: the markers are added ...
MilkBottle's user avatar
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Limit Google json map markers to viewable map

I have the a situation where I want to limit the search results from a database that presents Google map markers on a map. Currently there are no criteria to limit this, however there could be ...
NickSF's user avatar
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How to only see 10 markers at a time with Google Maps API regardless of map view/zoom

I am looking to improve the Google Map in my web application. I have around 200 markers on the map, but obviously this isn't visually appealing. I was wondering if there was a way to make it possible ...
AnnejetLouise's user avatar
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Dynamic marker and infoWindow Google Maps API using Google App Engine parsing through a JSON file

Hi I'm new to stackoverflow (and coding) but I am working on a web-application where I want to add dynamic markers and infowindows based on an extracted JSON file. There are over 200 markers, so they ...
AnnejetLouise's user avatar
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SOLVED - Vue JS Google Map markers from JSON file. Unexpected token }in JSON at position 139

I'm using Vue JS and I'm trying to create markers for a Google map from JSON file. This is the whole error message: "Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 139 at ...
Vojtěch Fíla's user avatar
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ClusterItem and custom marker color with Kotlin and Android 10

I'm trying to set a custom color for a marker in a cluster, based on JSON output. How would I change the marker color based on that serial condition? The way I did previously is commented out. ...
kryptonian's user avatar
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How to read this local json file, and get the coordinates rendering on map with Markers on Adroid?

My problem is to read the local json file and fetch the coordinates, here is some code to import the file: const data = require('./3ª Légua-Oriental-Nossa Senhora das Graças.json'); And I need to ...
Matheus Cabral's user avatar
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Using JSON for Google Maps: Markers not Showing up

I don't know what's wrong with my code I followed every tutorials and I read and followed every answer of the questions that had same issue like mine but it didn't work for me yet, that's my code ...
user2682025's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get JSON data from a url and place markers on Google Maps?

I wanted to know how I can get JSON data from a URL and add the coordinates (lat, long) as markers into Google Maps in android studio(3.1.1). I cannot figure out how to do this. Link: https://...
Nedim's user avatar
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How to properly parse JSON string data containing location information to create Google Maps Markers

I am getting latitude and longitude as strings from a JSON response. I am parsing the response, extracting them and then storing them in an array. I am then using the array to populate markers on map ...
vdrog's user avatar
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adding multiple marker from json

I'm trying to add multiple marker on google map v2 from json here is what i tried so far , but cant get single marker on map. what i feel like I'm making mistake on adding marker , should i add ...
sdfjklkjhgfdcvb's user avatar

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