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61 votes
5 answers

Why do I get an "unrecognized document structure" error when generating a PDF from HTML using pdfMake in Angularjs

I am trying to create a PDF from my HTML using pdfMake and Angular (I've also tried jsPDF and couldn't get it to work either). I tried using the following code in my Angular controller: var blob = new ...
Rani Radcliff's user avatar
27 votes
10 answers

PDFMAKE: 'Roboto-Regular.ttf' not found in virtual file system ONLY AFTER GULP

I created a simple app using knockout/bootstrap/gulp that downloads a pdf using pdfMake.js. It works fine in debug mode using VS2017. After publishing and using gulp it gives this error when run: File ...
esmc's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Increase header size pdfMake

I am trying to increase the header size on a pdf using pdfmake. Currently am able to get a header on both the left and right of the page, which is what I want, but when the height passes 26, the ...
sqrepants's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

pdfmake: How to create multiple page pdf with different orientation?

is there a way to create multiple page pdf with different page orientation using pdfmake? to make it simple, I want something like this : Page 1 with portrait orientation page 2 with landscape ...
Ismail Sunny's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

pdfmake API? Is there a list of styles, fonts, capabilities?

I'm using pdfmake. I want to format a document and they have good examples on github and in their playground but I was wondering if they featured all capabilities therein. I get the feeling that ...
rashadb's user avatar
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5 answers

Invalid image error using dataUrl in pdfmake

I'm using pdfmake to generate a PDF doc in an angular app, and just trying to add an image to the output using a dataURL (following the pdfmake docs. var docDefinition = { content: [...
wonder95's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Type Error Cannot set property '_minWidth' of undefined - pdfmake, Angular 2

I am trying to add widths to my table but for some reason I get below error: Component.html:187 ERROR TypeError: Cannot set property '_minWidth' of undefined at DocMeasure.measureTable (pdfmake.js:...
Murlidhar Fichadia's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Angular2: How to use pdfmake library

Trying to use client-side pdf library pdfmake in my Angular 2 (version=4.2.x) project. In .angular-cli.json file, I declared js like this: "scripts": [ "../node_modules/pdfmake/build/pdfmake.js",...'s user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Building table dynamically with PDFMake

I'm working with pdfmake to generate pdf with javascript. I'm trying to build a table dynamically but not works ,this my attempt $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: myURL, success:function(data){ ...
Cristian's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Dynamic check if text Goes to next page and add pagebreak in pdf using pdfmake

For a project im making offer and invoice pdf's on the fly using pdfmake in javascript. The problem im facing is having text blocks going off the page in the middle. What i want is to check if a ...
André Kool's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Lines, circles and other shapes?

Is it possible to draw lines, circles and other shapes with pdfmake? If yes, is there a documentation or are there any samples? I would like to replace jsPDF with pdfmake.
DoK's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to fill column background color for pdfmake with fillColor?

Is there any option to fill column background color with fillColor: '#dedede' ? fillColor works in tablecell very well at the same time it doesn't work for column :( <script src="https://...
Mo.'s user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How to use enum from typescript definition file?

I'm programming in nodejs using typescript. I'm using pdfmake and I installed typescript definition files for this library (@types/pdfmake)
displayName's user avatar
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1 answer

pdfMake table header not repeated on page break

Can I force somehow the table header repeating on each page in pdfMake, when I have a big table, that only fits on multiple pages.
István's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Embedding a background image in pdfmake

I'm using pdfmake to implement html to pdf conversion. To create a PDF, I'm using some hard-coded text and some text pulled in with ...
Varvara Jones's user avatar

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