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Ads does not show on video when he is full screen

I have video player on my website which shows Google Ads. For some reason the ads not showing when the video is full screen, the ads are showing in the background and you can hear them, but in order ...
avihaiB's user avatar
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The Google IMA Android SDK v3.33.0 issue with Android Single-Task Activities

I've recenty migrated to the Google IMA Android SDK v3.33.0 and I learned that all my activities which has launch mode "single-task" are opening as a separate task in the task manager! The ...
Mohsen Mirhoseini's user avatar
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Chromecast DAI stream doesn't start sometimes with the error

We have an app with casting functionality for Google DAI stream. It works fine mainly, but recently, we started getting complaints that the stream doesn't start sometimes. The problem is that we didn'...
Sergnsk's user avatar
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Handling data in AdEvent ICON_TAPPED on Android TV

Project use ExoPlayer2 with "extension-ima" library for playing video with VAST ad. So player configured with ImaAdsLoader instance, with provided AdEvent.AdEventListener. This listener ...
iddqdidkfaidclip's user avatar
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How to dynamically display mobile-sized IMA Video Ads instead of desktop-sized video ads when a phone user visits the web page

My website displays some video ads with the following code. Currently, all videos are always 640px wide, but the problem is that these 640px videos do not fit on the mobile phone screen. The web page ...
Tom's user avatar
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ExoPlayer HLS stream AD insertion

I have HLS stream. When I trying insert VAST tag into stream : exoplayer not show AD with any errors and warnings in logcat exoplayer throwing exception, and after re-init with HlsMediaSource.Factory(...
iddqdidkfaidclip's user avatar
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Undefined symbols for architecture "_OBJC_CLASS_$_IMACompanionAdSlot"

This target is tvOS. I'm using Cocoapods and here is the pod pod 'GoogleAds-IMA-tvOS-SDK', '4.3.2' I've tried updating to a more recent version, but the issue remained. Undefined symbols for ...
mkbrwr's user avatar
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google companion ad not playing on iPhone

we have video which we've connected to Google's Interactive Media Ads. It's all working splendid, until we figured out it isn't working on iOS iPhone devices. Funny thing is that it's not going to ...
Uros's user avatar
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Empty vast tag occasionally

Why does vast tag occasionally comes empty? I am testing with examples from here: I can ...
Toniq's user avatar
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Vast in HTML5 video player

I am currently trying to implement vast/ima ads into my html5 video player. I am looking at this tutorial for ads: My ...
Toniq's user avatar
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How to play IMA ads on Chromecast from sender app ( Android )

Hi everyone just wondering if anyone knew what we need to do to play IMA ads on chrome cast from a sender app, From what I understand reading the docs the only way to play it is to send a message to ...
Manendra De Mel's user avatar
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Getting error while installing GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK (~> 3.14.5)

Iam getting this error while installing pods from the terminal. It seems like version 3.14.5 is not ready for user With version 3.14.4 its working fine. I have tried pod repo update, pod update all ...
Revathi's user avatar
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How to use the SDK without the dependency on a main video

I am trying to put an ad without the need to put a video, I tried to remove the video in the function and in the html view, but I get this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
victorgaribay's user avatar
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How to play hls inside VAST 4.2 using open-source players?

My site uses video.js with the videojs-ima plugin, but it didn't work with hls inside VAST. I tested the xml using the Google service and I see the ...
kapitansen's user avatar
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How to play audio only ads using Google IMA HTML5

I'm using Google IMA HTML5 SDK to display audio only ads on my website, I followed this tutorial: But it ends up showing ...
MahmutTariq's user avatar

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