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427 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Google Maps API v3: data layer IDs undefined

long-time lurker, first-time poster here, so be gentle... I'm building a map that uses data parsed in from a MYSQL db via PHP to set the colour of polygons defined by a geoJson file (it uses this ...
ozer85's user avatar
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How to correctly set Google API credentials and restrictions for geocode

we are using the Google Maps API on our website to cross-check users entries of addresses. A typical call would be: Daly St,...
Admino's user avatar
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Google Places Web Service API returning different results on different servers?

I'm using the Google Places Web Service API for a website. I'm getting the place details using the place_id and getting the 5 reviews that google will send. My understanding is that the Google ...
user2489846's user avatar
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Google Places photos: convert photo_reference to photo url

I'm trying to build an app that would display the location name of a nearby place as well as its photo. I'm using Google Places API. I would like to quickly convert photo_reference to the photo url. ...
Simon's user avatar
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2 answers

Using JSON Data to Populate a Google Map with Database Objects

I'm revising this question after reading the resources mentioned in the original answers and working through implementing it. I'm using the google maps api to integrate a map into my Rails site. I ...
MikeH's user avatar
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Add dynamically markers from php controller

I'm using google map API and would like to create markers dynamically. I'm using Zend Framework and this is a part of my code. Who can help me fetch this object to get markers and then show them on a ...
samer sboui's user avatar
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How to get Open Table Restaurant ID(rid) from Google Places API Webservice search result?

Above image is the screen shot of search result I got from Google Maps Restaurant search, the Find table link will redirect me to URL: . Here the URL contains ...
Favas Kv's user avatar
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Geocoding city+states as they are periodically added to a google sheet?

So I have a google sheet that uses this importJSON script to add a list of cities and states into a google sheet. Rows are added periodically, as cities are added by users on our website (which are ...
daniel's user avatar
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PHP-generated JSON for Google Maps: a tiny mystery

I am using a PHP script (this one) to generate a JSON file for a Google Map. this is the PHP code (note: I am using Laravel): <?php $query = "SELECT id, info, lat, lng FROM places"; $results = ...
beccoblu's user avatar
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Android google maps API 2 got JSONException: Index 0 out of range [0..0)

im working with google maps API to route between some points (asking google apis for those road paths).. in majority process working good but sometime got a JSONException: Index 0 out of range [0..0) ...
Hallaz's user avatar
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how to download a stylized map from google cloud platform

first of all I appreciate the interest given by my question and its possible answer, I continue. I have a stylized map in Google Cloud Platform (V2) but I can't find a way to download the JSON or ...
Christian Cespedes Medina's user avatar
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How to acess JSON object inside a script tag?

I have an API call to google directions API and then i am trying to save that JSON response in a variable called as lat through this code"/from", function(req,res) { from = req.body.from;...
Jatin Mehrotra's user avatar
2 votes
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Eircode not working in Google distance matrix api

Ireland are using a post code system called "Eircode" which is valid layer in google maps and searching an Eircode e.g D03E5Y8 will result in the correct address on the Google map - much like UK / US ...
OnTarget's user avatar
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How to ensure Google Maps works after migrating to Firebase?

I recently imported a GCM project into Firebase. I have downloaded the JSON file and the app is working, however when I launch the map it fails on authorization with the error "Ensure that the "Google ...
Solly's user avatar
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How to show display distance of 2 marker in radius in Android Studio

Heloo i'am newbie in android studio,i make a project named BTS Locator, been confuse in 2 days to show distance in two 2 marker. So marker in the center of circle is complain and the other is BTS. ...
rifkyjody's user avatar

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