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Inconsistency In Microsoft Recommendations Regarding Powershell $Profile

Microsoft's left hand apparently does not know what it's right is doing, so I am writing a script that automates the correct setup of Powershell $profiles on a clean Windows install. Currently, my ...
The-Stanislav's user avatar
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Issues with winget on Azure VMs

I have several VMs in Azure where I want to update all applications using winget upgrade. The VMs are running Windows Server 2016/2022, and I have manually installed winget on them. When I log into ...
iflach's user avatar
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Generating SAS account token in powershell

"I generated a token using Azure and it’s working, but I need to create a correct script in PowerShell using the key. The stringToSign I generated is different from the one provided by Azure, and ...
piter22g's user avatar
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PowerShell "Assembly with same name is already loaded" on different Module Versions [duplicate]

I have a script that requires using two versions of the same module with conflicting assemblies: #Requires -PSEdition Core # main logic Install-Module -Name MyModule -RequiredVersion 2 -Scope ...
Daniel M.'s user avatar
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Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet works on laptop but not in github actions. No changes done

I have created a service principle in Azure AD B2C and want to upload TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file to it using Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet in GHA. Everything in this works ...
Ashwin Agarkhed's user avatar
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When does "Date modified" change for files in Windows Explorer as I want to use it in Powershell? [duplicate]

I'd like to understand the behaviour of the "Date modified" in Windows Explorer. There is a process which syncs folders with csv files beetween a data provider and a network share. I'm ...
Hisager's user avatar
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How concatenate a powershell command with an string variable? [duplicate]

I'm not a PowerShell expert. I wrote a short script to obtain from AD all the computers that contain in their name a substring that is entered by the user. I have not been able to concatenate the ...
JC Nunez's user avatar
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Powershell invoke-command: why isn't this engaging the foreach loop? [duplicate]

OK, I'm piggybacking off my previous question Powershell script to get IIS app pool recycling time from servers and wondering what I'm doing wrong I have a list of IIS app pools (apppools.txt) and a ...
dbutts's user avatar
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Remove All Databases From Azure Analysis Server With PowerShell

Ok I have this script, it should be straightforward: # Load the Microsoft.AnalysisServices assembly from the NuGet package $amoPath = (Join-Path (Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE ".nuget\packages\...
David Rogers's user avatar
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How can I update certificates on winrm when there are two HTTPS listeners?

I have two HTTPS listeners (One Compatibility) on winrm as follows: Listener Address = * Transport = HTTPS Port = 5986 Hostname = <hostname here> Enabled = true URLPrefix ...
mrfreester's user avatar
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Alternative PowerShell Solution To Running MDX on a Power Bi Semantic Model Hosted In A Fabric Workspace

So we want to do this, but it's not supported. So we must pursue a alternative solution. Optimally this would something that could be run from SQL Server directly with minimal external code possible. ...
David Rogers's user avatar
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PowerShell write progress to log for non-interactive session

Most questions I see are trying to suppress progress in non-interactive mode, but I'd like to be able to output just the message to the console in GitHub Actions, cause now it's hard to see what's ...
jessehouwing's user avatar
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GPG Encrypting Via CLI output as .pgp rather than .gpg

Got a command that encrypts all files in a folder with our public key. However, it saves the files as .gpg and the requirement is to output as .pgp. Using the GUI you just append the name from .gpg to ...
Thomton's user avatar
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Azure DevOps pipeline PowerShell task

I am using Azure DevOps pipeline and task 'AzurePowershell@5'. With that task I trigger script, which is on the repo- let's call it script X. Script X contains commands like 'Import-...
Vortex's user avatar
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Powershell script to get IIS app pool recycling time from servers

I got the cmd below from the following post Get Specific Recycling Time For IIS With PowerShell Get-ItemProperty -Path IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool -Name recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.collection ...
dbutts's user avatar
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