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My Flutter app using Firebase gets stuck on loading screen after pressing button [closed]

My Flutter app using Firebase gets stuck on loading screen after pressing button. button code: TextButton(onPressed: (){ _submit(context); }, child: Text("Sign In") ), void ...
Antoniy274's user avatar
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Firestore setoptions merge true and update overriding even other fields

I am trying to update my firestore doc from different screens. But when i use .set with merge true or even use update the previous values gets assigned to null. Please help me to sort out this problem ...
Abhay Varma's user avatar
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Flutter deployed web firebase hosting [closed]

I have Published my flutter web firebase hosting, i have got this error on deployed web while i am adding data to the firebase: minified:IW not found you need to call get.put(minified:IW()) or Get....
Redar's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getApp');

So I was running my application fine as a Chrome instance with the code below. void main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // Check if the app is running on the web if (...
xoxoxoco's user avatar
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Debuging Failed Flutter/Dart application

Good day all, I'm pretty new to Android development. I'm trying to launch a Flutter app in debugging mode, but I'm getting lots of errors. Background: I had a developer working on the app for me while ...
boulepick's user avatar
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Flutter firebase exception not being caught by try-catch block

I am trying to implement simple login using flutter and firebase(just started learning). The user-not-found error is not being caught by the try-catch block in the code. Code in Question TextButton( ...
Anshumaan Mishra's user avatar
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A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'. google service 4.4.2

can anyone suggest how to fix this error in flutter FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'. Could not resolve all files for ...
qadri Waie's user avatar
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Error with redirect function while checking if user is logged in Firebase Flutter

checking some tutorials i try to make a Dart file that helps me to see if the user is still logged on firebase when opening the app and checks if there is a document with his UID to confirm if he ...
Anthony Von Der Kreuz's user avatar
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Firebase Function not running correctly, receiving "[firebase_functions/not-found] NOT_FOUND" error

I'm trying to validate a user's subscription by calling a Firebase Function from my Flutter app. The function works perfectly when I use its URL directly, but when I try to call it using httpsCallable,...
Ahmed Alazawi's user avatar
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How do I query geopoint locations in cloud firestore using dart and flutter?

In my cloud firestore, I have a bunch of geopoints. Right now, they don't have any geohashes. Here is how I add the locations: locations.add({ 'coords' : GeoPoint(position.latitude, position....
Joshua Singla's user avatar
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Problem updating Bool Values in Flutter and Firebase

I am starting using Flutter and Firebase to make small app. I am using the Email and Password feature from firebase and i got this module to know if a document with the same name as the user UID ...
Anthony Von Der Kreuz's user avatar
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can i have help fixing this unexpected null value error

im trying to run a login page for my application and i am recieving an error message this ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ The ...
nazeer ngunga's user avatar
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Keep same data available in a Android app when open/maximised and minimised

I have written a very simple Dart/Flutter app for Android which can receive FireBase notifications both when the app is open and also when it is minimised. The problem is that I would like to save the ...
Assar Westman's user avatar
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firebase [firebase_functions/unauthenticated]

I use flutter and firebase. I'm trying to receive notification by using functions, but i got the follow error : I/flutter ( 3555): DEBUG: Error sending notification: [firebase_functions/...
Fabien Lebourgeois's user avatar
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Handling Player Termination in a Flutter Multiplayer Game with Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database Presence

I am building a multiplayer game in Flutter using Firestore to handle real-time updates. One of the cases I need to address is when a player fully terminates the app. In this case, Firestore should be ...
Ahmed Bahgat's user avatar

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