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Firebase cloud storage ( for projects)

I'm working on a new project and was planning to use Firebase Storage to handle file uploads. In some of my previous projects, I was able to use Firebase Storage for free under the Spark Plan for ...
Harsh Mishra's user avatar
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How to Upload profileImage to Firestore Database?

i make the register user in firebase in registerViewcontroller i have username, email, password and profileImage below image is Firestore structure this is what i save user information in firestore ...
권정근's user avatar
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Get Firebase AppCheck Token on .NET backend

I'm trying to upload an image to the Firebase Storage from the .NET backend. Everything is working till I activate AppCheck for Storage. And I started to get the error "Firebase App Check token ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Firebase Storage with Angular SSR app “ERROR Error: Service storage is not available”

I'm trying to use Firebase Storage in my angular SSR app, but I get ERROR Error: Service storage is not available initializing the app. I'm using this code in providers applicationConfig: ...
João 0987's user avatar
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fontweight and image problem with flutter web

I am using flutter web with firebase hosting. Everything is working fine with some exception: When I build with: flutter build web --release --web-renderer html the fontWeight is ignored and the ...
DeKekem's user avatar
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How to update Firebase Storage URL before displaying items in SwiftUI View

I'm retrieving list of exercises from Firebase and filtering it. After that I need to make another async request to resolve video URL and update it (see code below). The issue is that exercises are ...
Elena Rubilova's user avatar
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Can't upload files to firebase cloud storage. Error: "No objects exists with the desired reference"

All requests using the firebase cloud storage sdk result in a "no objects exists with the desired reference". The same code built with expo and react native runs perfectly well on a friend's ...
Blagoy Simandoff's user avatar
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Error: Cannot find ffmpeg in firebase cloud function

i'm trying to compress some uploaded files to firebase storage .. using firebase cloud functions but it give me the error Error: Cannot find ffmpeg here is my function : const functions = require(&...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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Firebase Storage error: [firebase_storage/object-not-found] No object exists at desired reference. why that code can't upload images to firebasestore

I am new to work with firebase. ı am treying to develop an app which tere is profe page for users. to get banner iamge from the user ı wrote the code below. File? _bannerImage; Future<void> ...
Hamza Tekin's user avatar
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Can't init firebase cloud storage due to cloud resource location

I’m using Firebase emulators to develop and test Cloud Functions locally, and one of my use cases involves uploading a file to Cloud Storage. As part of this process, I initialize Firebase emulators ...
Fabio Moggi's user avatar
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How to send large data from service worker to firebase in chrome extension?

I have been trying to send 4mb mp3 audio file from service worker to firebase storage for days now, still couldn't able to work. Here is what I tried Tried sending small(in kb) mp3 file and it worked ...
Kunchok Tashi's user avatar
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Cannot access files in Firebase Storage after regenerating service account key due to SignatureDoesNotMatch error

I recently discovered that my Firebase service account key was exposed, leading Firebase to disable it for security reasons. After generating a new service account key, I found that I couldn’t access ...
Umer Khayyam's user avatar
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'Firebase Storage: An unknown error occurred, please check the error payload for server response. (storage/unknown)

I'm making a system to download media from a subfolder inside a main folder with javascript, but it keep showing me an error when I execute the code file, the error it keeps showing me is )] { code: ...
Nickolas C.'s user avatar
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Cannot upload photo to firebase storage due to google gms error

I am trying to make an application that captures an image and saves it to Firebase storage. this is the code that is responsible for uploading the photo private fun uploadAbsensi(bitmap: Bitmap, ...
Kevin H's user avatar
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angular/fire@7 storage is not working for my Angular 16 app

I'm trying to use angular/fire@7 storage to store files and I'm getting this error: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Either AngularFireModule has not been provided in your AppModule (this can be ...
Dante's user avatar
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