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Kotlin - new api warnings (e.g. removeFirst, removeLast) not working in my KMP project

The docs say following: Consider removing @SuppressLint("NewApi") and lintOptions { disable 'NewApi' } if the lint option has been disabled. Doesn't that mean that building a project ...
prom85's user avatar
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Wrap a gradle task in a simpler one?

I have a gradle task which generates a json file containing all libraries used in my Kotlin Multiplatform Application. The output file will be parsed, and rendered in the UI. ./gradlew features:about:...
Entreco's user avatar
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SSL Handshake Exception When Building Flutter Plugin

I generated a Flutter plugin with the following command: flutter create --template=plugin --platforms=android,ios new_plug When I execute the plugin I am getting below as the exception. Launching lib\...
Rishi Raj's user avatar
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Android Studio WorkValidationException

I am trying to run my program in Android Studio, and it gives me the following build error: org.gradle.internal.execution.WorkValidationException: A problem was found with the configuration of task ':...
m k's user avatar
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Android Studio: Gradle demoted library version from xx.xx to yy.yy

Suddenly -and for an unknown reason for me- I've started to receive a "Gradle demoted library version from xx.xx to yy.yy" warning when trying to update packages from "Project Structure&...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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React Native: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.8.0, expected version is 1.6.0

I have been seeing a lot of similar issues but they all seem to be flutter apps. Mine is a React Native app and the solutions I've tried from other threads haven't been working. As in the title, here'...
ellen's user avatar
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Problem with Adding Dependencies for Kotlin Parcelize and KSP Failed to apply plugin '' in Android Studio

Error Message An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: '', version: '1.9.24'] > Failed to apply plugin ''. > lateinit ...
Arsyil Eda's user avatar
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Android studio gradle sync library download failed

My Android project suddenly started failing. On one of my projects, I used the following two libraries. ( jp.wasabeef:...
Argus Waikhom's user avatar
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Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:compileProductionDebugKotlin'

I have multiple projects in my macbook. I had some gradle issues running the project. So I had changed some gradle versions and other versions and it worked fine. But all the other projects started ...
tahreem's user avatar
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Reason: Task ':app:extractReleaseNativeSymbolTables' uses this output of task ':app:switchToRelease' without declaring an explicit implicit dependency

android { namespace = "" compileSdkVersion 35 ndkVersion '28.0.12433566' // defaultPublishConfig "debug" buildFeatures { viewBinding true buildConfig true ...
Manoj Perumarath's user avatar
-2 votes
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Could not find us.belka:androidtoggleswitch:1.2.2

In my Kotlin Project, when I try to generate (build) the APK, I get this error: Could not find us.belka:androidtoggleswitch:1.2.2. I tried to manually download the module and import, yet im running ...
Ijaas Fouzer's user avatar
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Android Studio suddenly says no scripting plugin is loaded

My Kotlin app was running fine until a few days ago. Then, I started doing a couple of changes (to the business logic of the app, no fundamental changes to the build configuration or anything). Now ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'. Could not find com.serenegiant:common:0.0.3

I encountered the following problem while writing code in Android Studio: Caused by: org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.DefaultLenientConfiguration$ArtifactResolveException: Could not ...
문혁진's user avatar
-4 votes
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Unsupported Gradle JVM. Your build is currently configured to use Java 18.0.2 and Gradle 4.6 [closed]

Unsupported Gradle JVM. Your build is currently configured to use Java 18.0.2 and Gradle 4.6. Unsupported Gradle JVM. Your build is currently configured to use Java 18.0.2 and Gradle 4.6. Unsupported ...
HARSHIL PATEL's user avatar
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Gradle doesn’t download some certain dependency

I built a new PC and am trying to build a specific project on it, but despite the sync being successful, it does not build and does not open the app. It tries to download certain dependencies, but ...
Yawlle's user avatar
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