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Google Maps API (Cloud Platform) How to change this text color using style editor (instead of JSON Array)?

When I changed the text fill color and stroke color it appears all fine on the preview Custom Maps editor, but when I applied the custom style to map-ID, and use the map-ID in javascript, the text ...
Jones's user avatar
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Google maps old JSon style targeting forrests

For context I am working on a .net MAUI app for iOS and Android using the Maui.GoogleMaps plugin, and need to style the default map to show forests clearly. Using the "new" google maps ...
JoeTaicoon's user avatar
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Addding a marker after fetching its lat and lng? [duplicate]

i have been trying to fetch the Data of the ISS, to then add a marker on my map at its current location, i tried it like this var map; // Globale Kartenvariable function initMap(latitude, longitude) {...
Kalle's user avatar
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How to add data retrieved from database to previously set dynamic markers based on the onclick location android

I am trying to add data which is retrieved from my database to a custom dialog I have created. After an onclick within the Google Maps interface the expected result will show the data specific to the ...
localuser123's user avatar
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Marker list conversion for google maps api end with the Error (type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'String')

I'm using the Google New Nearby Search API to generate a list of markers of places around me and I'm getting this error type '\\\_Map\\\<String, dynamic\\\>' is not a subtype of type 'String' I'...
haker man's user avatar
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flutter google maps nearby search api type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'String'

I'm using the Google New Nearby Search API to generate a list of markers of places around me and I'm getting this error type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'String' I'm new ...
haker man's user avatar
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How to format JSON response in Apps Scripts google maps geocoding

I'm trying to get the Google Maps geocode API working. I can't figure out how to make use of a JSON response inside of Apps Script Here's what I have: function geocode(address) { var options = { ...
DDW's user avatar
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Flutter how to create a List LatLng from a String?

I need your help :) in Flutter, if I create a List of LatLng like here (polygon1) I can use it to show polygon1 in a Google Maps. That work fine List<LatLng> polygon1 = const [ LatLng(48.885278,...
Pierre jean's user avatar
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AQI Monitor Live Map with Google Maps API JavaScript and reading JSON from Thingspeak .getJSON and Marker

I am working on a program at my job where we are teaching high school students to build air quality monitors. All of the AQ monitors will send their lat, long, AQI, and temp data to Thingspeak. I want ...
GWORV_TH's user avatar
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get city and country name from Google maps Platform's "Place Autocomplete" API call results in Flutter/Dart

I'm trying to obtain the city/town and country's name from the JSON response after calling Google maps Platform's Place Autocomplete API, the original code is supposed to get a list of 5 "places&...
boodzadood's user avatar
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Clickable ListTile in Flutter to take to location based on JSON coordinates

I have a json file in Flutter which includes x,y coordinates for each place listed. When I click on the ListTile, I'd like to go to the address on Google Maps that matches with the JSON coordinates. ...
Smiles4U's user avatar
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"The method 'Cast' was called on null" is the problem i am currently having

i am trying to run a particular code to find quakes, when i run it however, i get "The method 'Cast' was called on null" and it doesnt seem to work, i dont know if that particular error is ...
alex's user avatar
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Error in Angular: earthquake_GeoJSONP.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: eqfeed_callback is not defined at earthquake_GeoJSONP.js:1:1

I'm trying to replicate the Importing Data into Maps (Importing Data into Maps) example to my angular project but I get the following error in console: earthquake_GeoJSONP.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError:...
NEGG's user avatar
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Parse results from JSON to a list dynamically

I do a JSON Request and get some information. func parseJSON(poiData: Data) { let decoder = JSONDecoder() do { let decodedData = try decoder.decode(POIData.self, from: poiData) ...
submariner's user avatar
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PHP lat and long variable to open Google Maps and show location

I'm using data from a JSON file and PHP, which includes a 'location' array that contains lat and long values. I echoed the values out like this : foreach ($row['location'] as $result) { echo '...
renumi's user avatar
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